Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk actress Elinor explained Stevie had managed to remain detached from Rich’s wife – until she knew her identity.
“When there’s no face to the reality of it, particularly in this situation where she’s conducting an affair, she gives herself permission [to see Rich], because this person is faceless,” she admitted.
“It’s that crushing reality, not only when you realise that actually there’s a story and a person behind all this, but double the impact when that person is somebody who’s standing right in front of you and whom you respect. I think Stevie often detaches herself from high-conflict situations.
“She just goes all [in]. She is an absolute bull in a China shop. And I would say a strong moral judgement is not Stevie’s strong point,” she mused.
Stevie Nash and Rich Walker have been having an affair on Casualty (Image: BBC)
Viewers are aware that Stevie knew Rich was married from the off having first met him on a Critical Care callout during the storm which featured in the first episode of the current storyline.
While this would be a red flag to most people, Elinor thinks it was the circumstances of that meeting which actually fuelled her feelings.
“I do think there’s something about the fact that they met in a kind of high-anxiety situation,” she ponders. “You know, storm raging, thunder clouds rolling in – I think she got kind of swept up by the drama of the of the initial meeting. And I think from that point on, she kind of, in her mind, got the green light and thought ‘I’m going for it.'”
Indeed Stevie did offer up her phone number on that first meeting but Elinor feels the medic is a bit emotionally stunted when it comes to relationships.
Stevie Nash is regretting her affair with Siobhan McKenna’s husband (Image: BBC)
“I think Stevie finds relationships – I think she’s confused by them,” Elinor admits. “She finds them tough and she finds them difficult.
“I think she hasn’t got herself worked out, and she’s a character that doesn’t fully know what she wants but she is absolutely drawn to a drama. I also think there’s something in the filmic quality of the way they met, [which] in her mind [she loves].
“And he flattered her. He absolutely did a job of flattering her completely. And I think she got swept up by that,” Elinor explained.
While she can’t reveal what eventually happens or if their affair will be revealed to everyone in Holby ED, Elinor says there is “something of a Greek tragedy in this storyline”.
It isn’t just viewers who are judging the characters’ actions either, as Elinor admitted her own aunt had thoughts about it.
“My aunt watched the episode where it came out [they were seeing each other] and she was like, ‘Oh, what are you doing? He’s not good enough for you,'” she laughed.