Stevie’s Struggle: Facing a Surprise Pregnancy

Stevie’s Struggle: Facing a Surprise Pregnancy

Stevie has been carrying a life-changing secret—she’s twelve weeks pregnant with Rich’s baby. Despite the growing reality of her situation, she hasn’t taken the next step of scheduling a scan. When she finally opens up to Faith, she confesses that part of her is afraid that acknowledging the pregnancy will make it all too real.

Stevie looks at the camera, wearing a stethoscope around her neck.

Faith listens with empathy but gently challenges Stevie’s reluctance, pointing out that she may be in denial. As their conversation deepens, Stevie finally confronts her own feelings—she isn’t sure she wants to be a mother, especially given her complicated history with Rich. The idea of raising a child tied to him leaves her feeling trapped and uncertain.

Now at a critical crossroads, Stevie faces a difficult choice. With time running out to make a decision, she must confront what she truly wants for her future. Will she come to terms with her pregnancy and embrace the possibility of motherhood, or will she take a different path before it’s too late?


Stevie has been carrying a life-changing secret—she’s twelve weeks pregnant with Rich’s baby. Despite the growing reality of her situation, she hasn’t taken the next step of scheduling a scan. When she finally opens up to Faith, she confesses that part of her is afraid that acknowledging the pregnancy will make it all too real.…