Superfly (2018)

Superfly (2018)

“Superfly,” released in 2018, is a high-octane crime thriller and action film that serves as a modern remake of the 1972 blaxploitation classic of the same name. Directed by X and written by Alex Tse, the film reimagines the original’s narrative for a contemporary audience while retaining its core themes and gritty style. With a cast featuring Trevor Jackson, Jason Mitchell, Michael K. Williams, Lex Scott Davis, and Jennifer Morrison, the film presents a stylish and energetic portrayal of crime and ambition in the urban underworld.
Có thể là hình ảnh về 4 người
The story centers on Youngblood Priest (Trevor Jackson), a charismatic and skilled drug dealer operating in Atlanta. Priest is determined to leave the drug trade behind and secure a better future for himself and his loved ones. He meticulously plans his exit strategy, aiming to accumulate enough money to retire and live a more legitimate life. However, his plans are complicated by the dangerous dynamics of the drug world and the personal conflicts that arise as he attempts to break free from his criminal past.
Có thể là hình ảnh về 4 người và văn bản
“Superfly” is notable for its vibrant and stylish approach, capturing the essence of the blaxploitation era while incorporating contemporary elements. The film is visually striking, with a dynamic use of color, camera angles, and lighting that enhance the intensity and mood of the narrative. The aesthetic choices reflect a modern sensibility while paying homage to the original film’s bold and innovative style.

“Superfly,” released in 2018, is a high-octane crime thriller and action film that serves as a modern remake of the 1972 blaxploitation classic of the same name. Directed by X and written by Alex Tse, the film reimagines the original’s narrative for a contemporary audience while retaining its core themes and gritty style. With a…