The introduction of Olly Rix as army medic Flynn Byron sets the tone for the new 12-parter

The introduction of Olly Rix as army medic Flynn Byron sets the tone for the new 12-parter

The introduction of Olly Rix as army medic Flynn Byron sets the tone for the new 12-parter.

“As the new Clinical Lead Consultant at Holby City ED, Flynn joins the NHS fresh from a tour of duty. He’s a man with a purpose, and with a fierce resolve to make a difference,” explains the Casualty press release. “He faces the challenge of instilling change in a system weighed down by bureaucracy, all the while grappling with the trauma he has experienced and a deception that threatens to be his undoing.”

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The trailer opens with Flynn telling Stevie Nash that he’s the new clinical lead – the position she was hoping to land.

It then hints at a power struggle with his father-in-law Russell Whitelaw (more on him below), who has been instrumental in Flynn securing his new role at Holby ED.

Also seen in the trailer: Flynn caught up in a shocking car accident, the medic reacting furiously after being on HEMS duty, and a physical attack on fan favourite, consultant Dylan Keogh!

The introduction of Olly Rix as army medic Flynn Byron sets the tone for the new 12-parter. “As the new Clinical Lead Consultant at Holby City ED, Flynn joins the NHS fresh from a tour of duty. He’s a man with a purpose, and with a fierce resolve to make a difference,” explains the Casualty…