“The White Princess” (2017)

“The White Princess” (2017)

“The White Princess” (2017) is a historical drama television miniseries based on the novel of the same name by Philippa Gregory. It is a sequel to The White Queen and part of The Cousins’ War series. The show is produced by Starz and continues the story of the Wars of the Roses, focusing on the aftermath of the conflict between the houses of York and Lancaster.
The series is set in late 15th-century England and centers on Elizabeth of York, played by Jodie Comer. Elizabeth, known as “Lizzie,” is the daughter of Edward IV of York and the niece of Richard III. Following the defeat of Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth, the newly crowned King Henry VII (Jacob Collins-Levy) seeks to unite the warring factions by marrying Elizabeth, thereby joining the houses of York and Lancaster.
Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người và văn bản
However, the marriage is far from harmonious. Elizabeth and Henry’s union is fraught with distrust, power struggles, and lingering enmity between their families. Elizabeth is torn between her loyalty to her Yorkist roots and her new role as Queen of England. As the new Tudor dynasty seeks to secure its claim to the throne, threats arise from rival claimants and from within the court itself.
Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người
“The White Princess” explores themes of love, power, betrayal, and political maneuvering, with a strong focus on the complex dynamics between Elizabeth, Henry VII, and their respective families. The series is known for its gripping narrative, lush period costumes, and its portrayal of the turbulent early years of the Tudor dynasty.
Có thể là hình ảnh về 8 người
The show received praise for its performances, especially by Jodie Comer, and its ability to bring to life the intense drama and intrigue of the time. While some historical liberties are taken, the series remains an engaging portrayal of one of England’s most tumultuous periods.

“The White Princess” (2017) is a historical drama television miniseries based on the novel of the same name by Philippa Gregory. It is a sequel to The White Queen and part of The Cousins’ War series. The show is produced by Starz and continues the story of the Wars of the Roses, focusing on the…